Questions and Answers

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Life can be successful only if we have the courage to be adventurous ... Pope Benedict XVI

Discover the Pope s insightful, personable, and refreshingly accessible responses to the questions we all want to ask.

Live audiences of children, clergy, young adults, and others gain unprecedented access to ask the Pope about everything from divorce and remarriage to the Mass, consumerism, relativism, sacraments, Scripture, music, sex, vocations, and more.

Questions include:

How is Jesus present in the Eucharist? I can't see Him.
How do we acquire a living faith, a truly Catholic Faith, a faith that is practical, lively, and effective?
How can women also have a hand in governing the Church?
What, in your opinion, are the greatest challenges we face in our time and what does the Lord expect of us?
What is the relationship between Catholics and people of other faiths?
What are the priorities that parish priests should strive for?
What should we do to bring God to others in the world?
I have many insecurities, questions, and fears and I want to feel near God. In this silence, where is God?

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